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English Grammar

Direct And Indirect Speech

A. Direct Speech (Kalimat Langsung)

Jika kita mengutip/menirukan secara persis apa yang dikatakan seseorang tanpa mengubah susunan dan kata-katanya sedikitpun, maka kutipan itu disebut kutipan langsung atau kalimat langsung. Dan kalimat langsung selalu terdiri dari 2 bagian, yaitu :

  1. Reporting Verb (Kata Kerja yang melaporkan)
  2. Reported Word (Kata - kata yang dilaporkan)

Contoh :
Reporting VerbReported Word
He has said, "I'm very good in English"
(Dia telah berkata,"Saya sangat mahir dalam bahasa Inggris)
She had said,"I will be there tomorrow
(Dia telah berkata,"Saya akan berada di sana besok)

B. Indirect Speech (Kalimat Tak Langsung)

Jika kita memberitakan/menceritakan apa yang dikatakan seseorang dengan isi/maksud yang sama, tetapi susunan dan kata-katanya tidak persis aslinya, maka kalimat itu disebut kalimat tak langsung.

Contoh :

  • He said, "We have to study harder"
    (Dia telah berkata, "Kita harus belajar lebih giat"

    He has said that we have to study harder
    (Dia telah berkata bahwa kita harus belajar lebih giat)

Kalimat langsung dapat diubah menjadi kalimat tak langsung dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut.
1. Jika kalimat langsung mempunyai Reporting Verb dalam bentuk Simple Present Tense, Future Tense atau Present Perfect Tense, akan diubah menjadi kalimat tak langsung, makan Reported Wordnya tidak mengalami perubahan bentuk tenses.
Contoh :
a. Simple Present Tense tetap Simple Present Tense.
- Anis will say, "I have no money"
  Anis will say that she has no money.
b. Present Continuous Tense tetap Present Continuous Tense
- He will say, "They are working hard"
  He will say that they are working hard.
c. Future Tense tetap Future Tense.
- He has just told me, "I will go with you"
 He has just told me that he will go with you.
e. Simple Past Tense tetap Simple Past Tense.
- The say, "We bought books yesterday"
 They say that they bought books yesterday.
f. Present Perfect Tense tetap Present Perfect Tense
- Irine has said, "I have taken a bath"
 Irine has said that she has taken a bath
2. Jika kalimat langsung mempunyai Reporting Verb dalam bentuk Simple Past Tense atau Past Perfect Tense, akan diubah menjadi kalimat tak langsung, maka Reported Wordsnya akan mengalami perubahan dalam tenses, keterangan waktu, dan keterangan tempat.
Dan perubahan tenses tersebut adalah sebagai berikut :
a. Simple Present Tense menjadi Simple Past Tense
- Anis had said, "My mother is a wise woman
Anis had said that her mother was a wise woman.
b. Present Continuous Tense Menjadi Past Continuous Tense
- Mother said, "I am cooking rice"
Mother said that she was cooking rice.
c. Future Tense Menjadi Past Future Tense
- My girl friend said, "I will be d doctor next year"
 My girl friend said that she would be a doctor the following year
d. Future Continuous Tense Menjadi Past Continuous Tense
- He had said, "My father will be working at nine o'clock tomorrow"
 He had said that his father would be working at nine o'clock the following day.
Adjectives (kata sifat)

The Degrees Of Comparison

Direct And Indirect Speech
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